Category Archives: Diet

Heme Iron vs. Non-Heme Iron in Food

pan of steak broccali potatoes and other veggies

Iron is an essential micronutrient that must be consumed in recommended doses to maintain healthy body functions. An adult human body needs about 7-18mg of iron per day, which increases to about 27mg/ day in special situations like pregnancy. Adequate doses of iron must be obtained from the dietary sources to ensure health and wellness. […]

7 Healthy Sources Of Iron Athletes Need In Their Diet

Steak dinner healthy source of iron

As an athlete, there’s no question that you’re watching your diet to stay fit and healthy. You’re making sure that you fuel your body with enough energy to keep up those intense workout sessions, but not so much energy that you start to experience unwanted weight gain. Healthy sources of food, vitamins, and minerals like […]

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