Tag Archives: iron

Mechanism of Action; How iron is absorbed

mechanism of action

Iron is the second most abundant element in the earth’s core; yet deficiency of iron is the most common cause of anemia across the globe. A well- balanced diet can supply recommended daily doses of iron. Human body maintains a steady balance between iron intake and loss. The need and absorption rate of iron increases […]

7 Healthy Sources Of Iron Athletes Need In Their Diet

Steak dinner healthy source of iron

As an athlete, there’s no question that you’re watching your diet to stay fit and healthy. You’re making sure that you fuel your body with enough energy to keep up those intense workout sessions, but not so much energy that you start to experience unwanted weight gain. Healthy sources of food, vitamins, and minerals like […]

Athletic Consequences of Not Getting Enough Iron

Man about to eat steaks to get enough iron

As you create a diet plan focused on excelling in your chosen sport, one nutrient you need to be sure you are getting enough of is iron. Iron deficiency anemia can quickly suck the life out of any athlete. It can lead to sharp declines in their performance as well. The unfortunate fact of the […]

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